Accessibility Statement
All of us have access needs, but some of our needs are normalized while others are not. I strive to make myself and my work as accessible as possible in order to co-create a liberated world where communities are defined by a deep sense of belonging and healing.
“[A]ccess [is] a collective joy and offering we can give to each other”
- Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice
In my work with clients, I am committed to:
Captioning any videos and/or providing transcripts
Following best accessibility practices in multimedia
Facilitating in ways that include different learning, communication, and participation styles
Using physically accessible spaces for gatherings
Providing accessible pdfs and word documents
Working with you to provide ongoing access
If you have any access needs that are not currently met in my website or in my work, please contact me and I will do my best to meet your needs!